New jersey health care employers
District 1199J-afscme
Training and Development Fund
New Jersey Health Care Employers District 1199J’s Training and Development Fund’s YTTW Certified Nursing Assistant, Physical Therapy Aide program recruits, screens, educates, trains, mentors, and places high school juniors and seniors into the high growth, labor demand healthcare field.
We assist New Jersey’s rapidly expanding para professional nursing industry with recruitment and effective training of qualified, entry-level, high skilled youth as Certified Nursing Assistants and Physical Therapy Aides of which there is a chronic National shortage in nursing homes and hospitals.
The YTTW Program targets high school seniors, who have a passion for Science and Health Care, and offers structured on-the-job training, relevant classroom instruction, and work-readiness preparation. The program requires 4-5 months of intensive training and places the student in a part-time, full-time, or per-diem job within a hospital or medical care center.
Six Month Training
6 Pre-College Credits
9-13 General College Credits – transferable to any 2 or 4-year school
Free Books
Free Transportation
Part-time or full-time job after certification is received
Site Visits to Hospitals, Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Centers
First Aide, Adult CPR, Child CPR, Child AED & Infant CPR Certification
Academic Enrichment for College Preparatory Work
Academic/Career Counseling
Site Visits and Networking Opportunities with healthcare professionals
Interviewing Skills and Resume Writing Workshops
Work Readiness Workshops that are facilitated by Health Care Professionals
Helps with the financial aid process
Certified Nurse Assistant state exam and certification
Hands–on Clinical Physical Therapy Aide Training

The Youth Transitions To Work (YTTW) Physical Therapy Aide Apprenticeship Scholarship Program
The Youth Transitions To Work (YTTW) Physical Therapy Aide Apprenticeship Scholarship Program is a training to work initiative to start careers in Physical Therapy; It is designed to train you and get you into a part-time job within 6 months. It provides you with an academic enrichment program to prepare you for future study in the healthcare field, and more!
A few program highlights:
Pays for your training as a PT Aide
Finds you part-time to full-time job after training
Provides resume writing and interview workshops
Helps you with the financial aid process
The Youth Transitions To Work (YTTW) Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Apprenticeship Scholarship Program
The Youth Transitions To Work (YTTW) Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA) Apprenticeship Scholarship Program provides outreach, trains and places recent high school graduates. The YTTW Program targets high school seniors and juniors and offers both structured on-the-job training and relevant classroom instruction.